No contracts, no set-up fees, no bullsh*t.
A Free, real-time online booking tool for auto repair
The most powerful auto repair CRM
Everything you need, nothing you don't
Ever since we came on with you guys, revenue-wise, it's over $109K worth of people that booked an appointment online, and came back to us.
Join 1,500+ shop owners who trust Shopgenie to grow their business
See our answers to
your questions.
No, we do not have any lock-in contracts. We believe in locking people in with results.
Most likely, we integrate with the major cloud management systems and many other on-premises systems. See a full list of our integrations here
You can be up & running on Shopgenie in as quickly as 72 hours. Sit back, relax, and let our team handle your migration.
You can continue using your current website with Shopgenie's booking tool & other software products. If you want a Shopgenie website, we will build a custom website (that YOU own) in under a week, and help you route your domain to it.
No, we don’t. Here at Shopgenie, we focus on things that generate revenue for shops. If you are going to pay a company to manage your SM, you’d probably be better off hiring a local high school kid with a nice camera to come by the shop 1-2 days per week and post for you.