Auto repair booking tool

Get more appointments,
on autopilot.

Offer your customers the most advanced booking experience in the auto repair industry. Only take waiters in the morning? No problem. No alignments on Fridays? Shopgenie has you covered.

Your availability, on your terms.

Fully customize your calendar by bay, technician, or service type. Offer your customers true real-time availability with 50+ booking settings.

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Sell more declined jobs.

Shopgenie will automatically up-sell declined services from your Shop Management System in the booking experience.

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Generate more leads.

Collect customer contact information when they abandon the booking process. Use the task dashboard to call, text, or email your leads. Or just let Shopgenie handle it for you with our abandoned appointment automation!

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Get appointments through Google.

Our partnership with Google allows your shop to stand-out on maps, search, and your Google Business Profile. Learn more about the Google "Book Online" button here.

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Track your marketing dollars.

With Shopgenie's advanced appointment analytics, tracking links, and QR codes, we take the guesswork out of your customer acquisition. Track bookings from your website, mailers, Google Ads, and more.

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Enhance your customer experience.

Shopgenie is an intelligent booking experience. Welcome your customers back by name, showcase their vehicles, and up-sell declined work.

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How Shopgenie increased Collins Auto Care's online booking from 1-2 appointments per week to 10 per day

Join 1,500+ shop owners who trust Shopgenie to grow their business

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See our answers to
your questions.
Are there contracts?
Do you integrate with my SMS?
How long does it take to set up?
What happens to my current website?
Do you post on social media for me?