Auto repair phone system

An intelligent phone system,
built for auto repair.

Turn your calls into revenue with Shopgenie phones. Our VOIP system will record, track, and transcribe your calls using AI.


Streamline your front counter, all of your calls & messages, in one place

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Call tracking

Understand your marketing ROI with tracking numbers for every campaign

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Coach your team faster with customizable AI call scoring

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How Shopgenie consolidated all of Phils Pro Auto’s marketing and CRM tools into one platform

Join 1,500+ shop owners who trust Shopgenie to grow their business

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See our answers to
your questions.
Will it work with my existing phone hardware?
Will I keep my current phone numbers?
What if my internet/wifi goes out?
How long does it take to set up?
Do I have to install it myself?
Can I track calls from my mailers?
Do inbound and outbound calls get recorded?
Can I call from my cell phone?