We're changing the auto repair industry. But you don't care about auto repair, nobody does.

Until their car breaks.

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And eventually, this happens to every vehicle in America, all 283 million of them. Over 92% of American households own a vehicle, with an average vehicle age of 12.8 years old, and when they break? They are taken to one of the 282,000+ independently owned auto repair shops.

That's a big market.

And it's getting even bigger. The average age of an auto repair shop owner in America is 60 years old. They are planning their retirement & succession plans, our angel investor Codie Sanchez calls it the "Great Retirement".

What does this mean for Shopgenie? This means more young, forward thinking, tech savvy owners are coming into ownership, and they are looking to move their shops off of server based software from the 90's, or in some cases, pen & paper.

Enter Shopgenie. A modern CRM & Marketing platform for auto repair. We currently serve over 1,000+ independent auto repair shop owners in america (or 0.3% of the market).
We are always looking for talented, hungry, and passionate individuals to join one of the fastest growing vertical SaaS companies on the market. Here's a little more about us:

Our Values

We care

Give a Sh*t

We move fast

Bias Towards

Context over Control

Context over

We raise the bar for each other


Give a sh*t

One of the biggest advantages we have over incumbents is our innate ability to give more sh*ts than them:

They've been around for 10+ years, and have peaked/stopped innovating. We are a young company and bring our fresh perspectives to a stagnant industry.

They are (largely) owned by private equity firms, and as a result, put shareholder profits before customer impact. We put customers first, and let the profits come as a result.

They don't keep their commitments to customers. We make and deliver on high integrity commitments, building a foundation of trust with customers.

Context over control

There are 2 ways to scale - trust and feedback, or process. We choose the former because we're building a wide platform with many products, so autonomy is more important than control. We hire people that are proactive and work well with high-level direction. We lead by context, not control.

They rely on "command and control" style management where teams take orders. We hire top-tier talent and give them the freedom to solve problems how they see fit within a Small Team.

They are (largely) owned by private equity firms, and as a result, put shareholder profits before customer impact. We put customers first, and let the profits come as a result.

Bias towards Action

Even with the most talented teams, we won't nail everything on the first try. Most work will require a few iterations to get really good. Luckily, most business decisions are not one-way doors, meaning we can always course-correct and iterate. With this in mind, most decisions should be made at around 70% confidence. If we wait for 90%, in most cases, we're probably moving too slow. Especially with product work where there's no substitute for getting our product into the hands of real, paying users. As long as we're good at course-correcting and rapidly iterating, being wrong is almost always less costly than we think, whereas being slow is always expensive.

They deal with layers upon layers of approvals, management, and process. We empower small teams with the freedom to solve problems however they see best. Even if they don't nail it on the first try, they can rapidly iterate.

Their "command and control" style-leadership creates a culture where people are afraid to take risks. We cultivate an environment where people feel safe taking risks and making mistakes, because we can rapidly iterate and course-correct.

They have meetings about meetings, and get stuck with inter-team dependencies preventing action. We have a bias towards action, always asking ourselves "What can I do in the next 2 minutes to move closer to this goal?"

Talent Compounds

Getting to join the Shopgenie team is a huge challenge. Once you're here, it stays that way. We hold everyone to an extremely high standard of excellence, because it's simply what's required for Shopgenie to succeed. In return, you get to work alongside others producing career-defining work, and driving real, tangible impact for small business owners across North America.

They don't feel a sense of ownership over their work and don't care if their work is bad. We take pride in our work and keep iterating until we feel proud of it.

They allow subpar talent to drag down the whole team (weakest link analogy). We continually raise the bar on talent and hold each other to the same high standards we hold ourselves to.


Are there contracts?

Are there contracts?

No, we do not have any lock-in contracts. We believe in the value our product provides.

Do you integrate with my SMS?

Do you integrate with my SMS?

Most likely, we integrate with the major cloud management systems and many other on-premises systems.

How long does it take to set up?

How long does it take to set up?

Typically 1-2w to go live, it depends if you have requested a custom website.

Ever since we came on with you guys, revenue-wise, it's over $109K worth of people that booked an appointment online, and came back to us.

in sales
See Vincente's story

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your questions.
Are there contracts?
Do you integrate with my SMS?
How long does it take to set up?
What happens to my current website?
Do you post on social media for me?