How Shopgenie generated 8 five-star reviews in 9 days and 11 appointments from a single text blast for VAST Performance.

"In just the last 9 days, we've had eight five-star reviews and multiple appointments booked through the online booking tool.""

Zach Nutt from VAST Performance in Detroit, Michigan, knew that his shop needed a better way to manage customer relationships and scheduling. Specializing in both performance and routine maintenance for European vehicles, VAST Performance was growing, but their existing systems weren't keeping up. For the first four years, they had no CRM system in place and relied on basic shop management software that didn't offer the robust features they needed, like online scheduling or automated follow-ups.

The search for a CRM led them to a company that over-promised and under-delivered, leaving Zach and his team frustrated. That's when they discovered Shopgenie. Unlike their previous experience, Shopgenie delivered exactly what was promised, and the impact was felt almost immediately. One of the first noticeable improvements was in customer communication. Once their DLC-10 number was approved, the response from customers was overwhelming. In just nine days, VAST Performance received eight five-star reviews, a clear indication that customers appreciated the enhanced communication and service.

Shopgenie's online scheduling feature was another game-changer. Before Shopgenie, VAST Performance had no option for customers to book appointments online, but this feature quickly became a favorite among their clients. The ease of scheduling online not only saved customers from making phone calls but also freed up the front-of-house staff to focus on building stronger relationships rather than just managing schedules. This shift allowed the shop to better align with their goal of increasing the speed of service, particularly as they shifted focus from performance to routine services.

In addition to the online booking success, VAST Performance also utilized Shopgenie's text blast feature. A single campaign focused on promoting oil changes led to eleven appointments within the first three days—a substantial improvement over their previous software. The process of setting up these campaigns and managing customer interactions was smooth and efficient, thanks to the support and responsiveness of the Shopgenie team. Zach's general manager handled the setup and coordination, and he was consistently impressed with the ease of use and the quality of support provided.

For any shop owner considering Shopgenie, Zach’s experience is a testament to the platform's effectiveness. "We demoed two or three systems. We went with one before we went with Shopgenie, and we wish we wouldn't have wasted the time prior to going with Shopgenie," Zach says. The difference that Shopgenie made for VAST Performance was clear—from better customer reviews to more efficient scheduling, it was the solution they had been searching for all along.

Ever since we came on with you guys, revenue-wise, it's over $109K worth of people that booked an appointment online, and came back to us.

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