How Shopgenie generated over $40,000 in revenue and boosted Import Motor Works' average RO by $50.

Within an hour and twenty minutes, we had 35 appointments. We were booked up for the next two weeks. It was insane. Absolutely insane.

Ben Spears, the owner of Import Motor Works in Chattanooga, Tennessee, knows the ups and downs of running a successful auto repair shop. Since opening in 2009, his shop has grown steadily, even weathering the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. But when a sudden drop in business hit in September, Ben realized it was time to take a more aggressive approach to marketing. That's when Shopgenie stepped in and made a massive impact.

Faced with an unexpected downturn, Ben threw everything he had into marketing, but nothing seemed to work—until he remembered Shopgenie’s text blast feature. With the guidance of the Shopgenie team, Ben crafted a compelling message and sent it out on a Friday morning. The results were nothing short of incredible. Within just an hour and twenty minutes, Import Motor Works had booked thirty-five appointments, filling their calendar for the next two weeks. The shop, which was on track for a modest $50,000 month, ended up surpassing $100,000 in revenue, all thanks to that one text blast.

What made the results even more impressive was the quality of the customers it brought in. Those who responded to the text blast had an average repair order (RO) that was $50 higher than the shop's already strong average of over $1,100. This simple, targeted marketing strategy not only filled Ben's schedule but also drove higher value transactions, proving the power of effective communication.

Beyond this immediate success, Shopgenie has continued to enhance the day-to-day operations at Import Motor Works. Ben’s service advisers have embraced the platform, finding it easy and convenient to communicate with customers through texts and the integrated scheduling system. Customers, too, have praised the experience, particularly the automated appointment reminders and follow-up texts that encourage them to leave reviews. This has led to a noticeable increase in online reviews, further boosting the shop’s reputation.

For any auto repair shop owner hesitating to take the leap with Shopgenie, Ben’s advice is simple: "Best money ever spent. You gotta do it." Shopgenie didn’t just help Import Motor Works survive a slow month; it turned a potential downturn into a record-breaking success, all with the power of a single, well-timed text message.

Ever since we came on with you guys, revenue-wise, it's over $109K worth of people that booked an appointment online, and came back to us.

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