How Shopgenie increased daily appointments at Buckeye Complete Auto Care by 3-4X and boosted declined services rebookings by 40%.

"The amount of appointments we have now have increased probably three or four fold... Our declined services went up forty percent."

Todd Baldridge, the owner of Buckeye Complete Auto Care in Columbus, Ohio, knows the value of efficiency in managing a busy auto repair shop. Before making the switch to Shopgenie, Todd relied on Steer as his CRM and used a text messaging platform to handle customer communications. However, when he learned about Shopgenie's online booking tool, he saw an opportunity to streamline his operations further and enhance the customer experience.

The transition to Shopgenie was smooth and impactful. The integration of the CRM with the online booking tool was a game-changer for Todd and his team. "We love the idea of how that worked out and how it was very adaptable to just about any platform," Todd says. The switch brought about significant changes in the shop's daily processes. Every morning, Todd and his service advisors now expect to see detailed appointments already populated in Tekmetric, saving time and ensuring that no critical information is overlooked. The level of detail provided by customers when booking appointments through Shopgenie is far superior to what they had before, allowing the team to prepare more effectively for each job.

One of the most impressive outcomes has been the dramatic increase in daily appointments. Todd estimates that the number of appointments has increased by three to four times since implementing Shopgenie. This surge in bookings has been accompanied by a 40% increase in declined services being rebooked, a testament to how much easier it is for customers to choose which services they want to follow up on. "Shopgenie just made it so easy for the customers to pick which declined services they're coming back for," Todd notes.

As a shop owner with two stores and a busy family life, Todd also appreciates the time-saving features Shopgenie offers. The platform's intuitive dashboard allows him to quickly check on both stores, review customer interactions, and ensure that everything is running smoothly. "Shopgenie made it so that it was super easy to just look at a store, go through real quickly... I like to go through and read some of the text messages that my service advisors are having with the customers," he explains.

For shop owners still considering Shopgenie, Todd's advice is clear: "Must do." The positive impact on his business has been undeniable, from increased appointments to more rebooked declined services. And with the upcoming release of Shopgenie's new phone system, Todd is eager to take his operations to the next level. "When do I sign up? When do I start?" he asks, underscoring his enthusiasm for the continuous innovations that Shopgenie brings to his business.

Ever since we came on with you guys, revenue-wise, it's over $109K worth of people that booked an appointment online, and came back to us.

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